ABOUT: The rangers go to rescue Isis, featuring Keiken Blue and Pink's first attacks.

We see the Silo Ship, we see Keiken Blue in it. We also see half the planet of Kúzu on the corner of the screen. Kúzu is a purple planet. Isis said to herself, "I'll show them! I can beat Esclavar! " Silo Ship starts to dysfunction and falls into Kúzu's gravitational pull. "Ay-yeeeeee, no, that's not it," She said. Silo Ship crash lands on Kúzu. "All right, I'm in trouble," She said. A Dim, grunt/foot solider to the Warúi comes near Blue and she attacks him with her paralyzing attack. "Frostbite." The Dim is frozen. Isis smiled underneath her blue helmet. A rustling sound emerged from behind her but she couldn't do anything about it because as soon as she turned, she was overwhelmed by a Mismaodas' grasp. He kidnaps her.

The other rangers eventually found out that Isis went on her own to stop Esclavar. They went on their way to rescue her. Keiken Red boards her mecha, the Shatter Bomber. "Shatter Bomber ready." Keiken black, yellow and pink entered their mecha, the Demozord. "Demozord!" The two mechas flew in deep space.

Keiken Blue in a square-wall prison to closes in on her. The prison of white solid walls full of dirt and filth. She screamed, "Please hurry, guys!"

A force field from Esclavar's location suddenly pulls in the two mecha in space. Black, Yellow and Pink in their mecha cockpit. "This force field is pulling in our mechas," Yellow said. Pink said, "No way they are going to get away with that!" Keiken Pink started to glow pink. Black yelled, "All men duck, she's going to blow a fuse!" Keiken Pink glows pink and yelled her attack and we see the wind gust blast the pulling force break the mecha away. "WIND GUST!!!" Unfortunately Keiken Red in her Shatter Bomber is pushed farther into the pull of the force field. Red said, "uh… HELP!" Demozord flew away. Shatter Bomber was being pulled in. Keiken Red wasn't too happy. "Come back you cowards!" Demozord stays still in space as Shatter Bomber got pulled into the purple planet of Kúzu.

Shatter Bomber crash landed near Esclavar's hub. The Mismaodas, henchmen of Esclavar walked out of the Hub toward the mecha. They tried to bust upon the head to release Keiken Red. She was upside down in the cockpit. "That's enough", she said. She punched an exit button and opened the escape hatch. The Mismaodas dragged her out of the robot into the hub. Two Mismaodas pulled Keiken Red in chains.



Candace gets caught in Esclavar's trap. Candace's second attack is shown.