ABOUT: The rangers finally find Candace's parents.
Continued from Episode 56. Candace goes in the Shuudan science lab where Paige and Devon are in white lab coats with matching visors. Candace asked, "Any luck in retrieving the demon?" "None so ever, something must have pulled it back. Definitely Warúi's doing," Paige said. "It might have been the Agent; he is the resident scientist who made the Untitled creature," Devon said and he then ask, "How did the séance go?" "Good," Candace said. "Isis was able to contact Curtis and he told me through her the exact location of where my parents are. They escaped the Warúi and are safe in the Ajiuma galaxy." "That's great at least some good news out of all of this," Paige said. "We can go today," Devon said. "Yea," Candace added.
Keiken Black comes down from the Demozord and Paige, Devon and Candace are standing on the ground. Paige is furious. They are in their Shuudan uniforms. Paige shouted, "KIRO!!!! You might have wrecked the Demozord!" "I could have but I didn't," Kiro said. "At least you did something with your time," Devon said. Paige hugged the Demozord's leg. Kiro asked, 'Why are you dudes all dressed up?" "I got the location of my parents. We are all going," Candace said. "Yeah. There is no telling if the Warúi know," Devon said.
Kiro, Devon, Candace, Isis, Paige
and Coribun are in Shuudan uniforms in the spaceship hanger with the Silo Ship.
Candace asked, "Everyone ready?" Everyone answered, "Yes."
The Silo Ship flies out of the Shuudan headquarters. All six are inside the
Silo Ship. "It will take approximately 6 hours to get there with light
speed," Candace said. Coribun asked, "Any in flight movie?" "We
got Vanilla Sky and Rush Hour 2," Isis said. Kiro said, "Ooh, I like
Jackie Chan!" Devon asked, "Ugh, can we watch something else?"
Paige asked, "Yeah like something not from Earth?"
Meanwhile at the Yóri mo Takái's headquarters, Nikolud reporting to the nine dark elders. "They tried to pull you away from us but with the Agent's leg bracelet you will remain here," second dark elder said. "Have you heard from the entity?" "I haven't. She still must be in Juno," Nikolud said. "We want you to go under disguise as a human and disguised DNA in the Shuudan headquarters," First Dark Elder said. Nikolud asked, "The Agents shall help?" "Yes," Ninth dark elder said. The Agent came forth. "This decoding will not let the Shuudan figure you out. This will let you go in without upsetting the balance. You are half human anyhow," The Agent said. "Cool," Nikolud said.
The Silo Ship goes through an o-zone window-opening rift. The six untransformed rangers coming out of the Silo Ship on a meteorite. "Curtis said they would be 12 kilometers from here," Candace said. "We'll look for them," Paige said. Candace looks up, the others behind her looking around, further away. Small meteorites flying at them, they are trying to avoid it. Isis shouted, "Major meteor shower!" All six of them transform. "Glorification!" Keiken Black uses his Black Sky Storm attack on the meteorites; the lighting bolts get rid of the meteorites. Keiken Yellow freezes the falling rocks with his attack, "Shine Blizzard freeze!" Keiken Pink and Blue look around. "I think that took care of all of them," Keiken Pink.
Keiken Red sees something in the
distance. She runs off. Kiro said, "Candace!" Red stepped forward
into the light and saw two individuals. Her parents. "Mom! Dad!"
Keiken Red de-transformed. The others run happily behind her. Candace said,
"It is you guys!" "We knew you would come for us," Candace's
mom said. "We had no doubts," Candace's father said. Candace hugs
her parents. Candace said in tears, "I am so happy." "So are
we, sweet pea. So are we," Candace's mom said. Paige checking if Candace's
parents are who they say they are. "Yes, the test confirms they are not
clones, brainwashed or anything nerve-wracking," Paige said. "Thank
goodness," Candace's mom said. "Yes, quite a scare," Candace's
dad said. "Thanks Paige," Candace said. "No problem," Paige
The next day, Candace, her parents
and Head Elder in the Elders room. "Pleasure to meet you Ms. Head Elder,"
Candace's mom said. "Mom! Don't call her 'ms'," Candace said. "That's
quite alright, Candace," Head Elder said. "By the way, my sentiments
exactly, Ms. Regan. I am glad that Candace has successful retrieve back her
parents," Head Elder said.
"Nice place you have here," Candace's dad said. "They recently
upgraded it," Candace said. "You're daughter is the best fighter in
the league and a great person with a big heart. You should be extremely proud
of her," Head Elder said. Candace blushing. "We already were,"
Candace's dad said. "Extremely proud," Candace's dad. Candace hugging
her mom. "I am so glad to have you back in your arms," Candace said.
"Me too," Candace's mom said. Candace's mom pulls away a bit from
Candace. She asks, "Honey, I forgot to ask, where's your brother?"
Candace's mother admits to her that she needs her to be home more often so Candace
quits the league all together and the Head Elder understands.