ABOUT: The team decides to pay The Agent a visit since he is behind the brainwashing of Esclavar, the cloning of the Searanger, the creations of the 'Unknown' creature and holding Nikolud back. Meanwhile Isis figures to take Nikolud down on her own.

Angel Nikolud walking down a dark purplish hall dragging his wings. The Agent electrocutes him with an electric rod. He screams in pain. "You failed again, Nikolud," The Agent said.

Paige and Devon support Isis in the Shuudan headquarters. "Are you okay Isis? You froze up when we told you the demon's name was Nikolud," Paige said. "Yeah I'm okay. I guess," Isis said. "Are you sure? You became pale," Devon said. Isis reassuring Kiro, Paige, Devon and Coribun. "Yeah, I'm all right. I don't know what came over me," Isis said. "We can't keep letting Nikolud get away," Kiro said. "A cage didn't keep him in so maybe we should go directly to the Warúi," Paige said. Devon asked, "The Yóri mo takái?" Paige said, "Yeah, why not?" "Because we can get seriously killed," Coribun said. "Well that is beside the point," Paige said. Coribun asked, "Are we well prepared?" "We have to ask the head elder," Kiro said. "I agree," Devon said.

The head elder with the Kiro, Paige, Coribun and Devon in the conference room. "I have never heard of Nikolud. I have reason to believe The Agent is behind this," the Head Elder said. "We have never met him," Kiro said. "Devon has seen him," Paige said. Coribun asked, "Should we pay a visit to the Agent?" "I think we should," Devon said. "Then I give you permission to go to the Agent's lab, get him before he can do any more damage," the Head Elder said.

Isis outside of the conference room. "I am not going in there. If I do, the Head Elder will figure I know about Nikolud just like he knew I was keeping something from my friends. Nikolud tricked me. He told me he loved me. It must be the Warúi's doing. I'll show them, I'll handle this myself. Its more likely Nikolud will come here to me than being with The Agent," Isis thought to herself.

Kiro comes out of the room and talks to Isis. "Isis, we are going to The Agent's Lab," Kiro sad. "Uh… Kiro, can I back out of this mission? I'm kind of peaked," Isis said. "Um, okay, that's all right. But you better come next time," Kiro said. "Sure," Isis said. "Mary will stay here to ward off any impending evil. Be on your guard," Kiro said. "I will," Isis said.

Inside the Agent's Lab, the Agent and Nikolud The Agent asked, "So she is angry with you?" "She is sort of insulted that I would jump so fast," Nikolud said. "Tell her you changed your mind and will go slow for her," The Agent said. Nikolud asked, "Really? You think that might work?" "It's worth the try although you have a lot to loose," The Agent said. "Good point," Nikolud said. "Go to her and convince her," The Agent said. "All right," Nikolud said. Nikolud transforms into Elliott and teleports away.

Coribun and Mary in Coribun's Shuudan room, two beds by each other. Coribun said, "This mission is the riskiest yet. May you look after Isis?" "Sure. We don't know each other as much as I know you, Candace or Kiro but we have been doing good acquaintance stuff," Mary said. Coribun and Mary kiss. "I'll take it slow for you. No pressure at all," Coribun said. Mary asked, "Really?" "Yes. I'll wait practically forever for you," Coribun said. "That definitely earned another kiss," Mary said.

An hour later… Kiro, Paige, Devon and Coribun transform. "Glorification!!!" Keiken Black, Pink, Green and Yellow go in broken Emus ships in the Shuudan spaceship hanger.
"We can disguise ourselves by using this Emus ship," Keiken Black said. "The Shuudan maintenance fixed the ship," Pink said. Green asked, "Can I pilot?" Black nodded. Green asked, "What is Mary going to do?" "I told her to look after Isis," Yellow said.

Mary and Isis eating popcorn and ice-cream watching television in Isis' room. "Mmm… this double mint bubble gum ice cream is good," Isis said. "It sure is," Mary said. Elliott knocks at the door. Mary gets up to open the door. "I'll get it. You eat your ice cream," Mary said. Elliott at the doorway which Mary open the door. Mary asked, "Yes?" Elliott asked, "Is Isis here?" Mary turns her head to Isis. "Isis, you have a gentleman caller," Mary said. Mary whispers to Isis. Mary asked, "Is he Elliott?" "Yeah…," Isis said. "I approve," Mary said. Mary at the doorstep while Isis and Elliott talk. Isis said, "Well… talk." "You were right. I spoke too soon. I want to get to know you better," Elliott said. Isis asked, "Like how?" "I was thinking about a date," Elliott said. Elliott tells Isis where they are going and Isis is excited. Elliot asked, "How does Las Tapas sound?" Isis said, "Oh my god, that is my favorite Argentinean restaurant!" Isis asking if she can go and Mary approve. "Mary, I don't want to beak off our girl's night," Isis said. "It's perfectly fine. Go have fun. You need it," Mary said. "Thanks," Isis said. "You won't regret this, Mary," Isis thought.

Meanwhile… Keiken Black, Yellow, Green and Pink running into a secret backdoor on the third floor of The Agent's Lab in gloomy fogs. "All right, we made it past the border inspectors and the booby traps…," Black said. "Let's get ready for some more," Yellow said. "Definitely," Green said. "With our Keikentectors will make us undetectable," Pink said. The Rangers break down glass ceiling, swing by with ropes inside. Black said, "It's like whoa!" "Quiet," Green said. The Agent fixing some devices in a workshop area of the lab. He whistled a tune. Keiken Yellow with his Keikentector armor on swings behind The Agent to get him. The Agent stabs him. "Ugh…Ah!" Keiken Yellow without his helmet falls unconscious to the floor with blood dropping from his lips.


Elliott and Isis go out on a date while the rangers struggle in the Agent's lab.