ABOUT: Devon defends Kris by defeating Andoix.

Keiken Black, Pink and Yellow fighting Giselle. Giselle does an attack called "Stigmata Crush!" Red slashes come toward Yellow. GISELLE: Stigmata Crush! Yellow is given the crucifixion marks on his body and Pink helps him up. Black runs toward Giselle to fight her. Black fights Giselle and she bleeds a lot.

Keiken Green teleports in a swoop down to the abandoned Agent's Lab. We also see a close up of him. GREEN: Time for my revenge. Andoix in his tube with his eyes close. Keiken Green goes in the lab and Andoix opens his eyes fast. Andoix shouts and breaks through the glass and rushes out crazy. ANDOIX: He will pay! Keiken Green sees the crazy Andoix and comes rushing after him (like the Gingaman run). Andoix gets his laser wrist weapon ready and races after him (like Quantum Ranger fighting against Red Time Force Ranger). The two coming up against each other. Green and Andoix face to face with their fists locked. GREEN: You have no right to come after Kris and I! ANDOIX: Say it. I know you want to say it, he is your man! Green and Andoix push each other to the ground, still close by and fighting each other. They roll on the ground fighting. Andoix wrestles with Green.

Back to Earth where Keiken Black and Giselle are fighting. BLACK: Admit you are losing. GISELLE: Never! Giselle gets the better of Black and knocks him down. Pink comes after her and Giselle gets hurt. Keiken Black does his Deluxe Tsunami Buster final combo. BLACK: Deluxe Tsunami Buster! Keiken Yellow does his Deluxe Shine Blizzard Freeze final combo. YELLOW: Deluxe Shine Blizzard Freeze! Giselle is severely hurt.

Green and Andoix fighting, martial arts. ANDOIX: Tired yet? GREEN: Not breaking a sweat. Keiken Green does his Ionization Beam on Andoix. GREEN: Ionization Beam! Andoix gets his growing pills and becomes bigger. Nuclear Crusher appears out of a teleportation beam and Keiken Green hops in. GREEN: Nuclear Crusher activates! Nuclear Crusher fights Andoix like crazy, fast move by move speeding through the screen with several attack moves. Andoix damaging Nuclear Crusher. ANDOIX: You're lame attacks won't affect me. Nuclear Crusher punches Andoix and he is knocked out of conscious. Green with regular size Andoix. GREEN: It's kind of poetic how this all ends up. You still couldn't accept you were the ex. You wanted what you can't have. ANDOIX: What are you going to do to me? Kris sitting down on the couch in the Loft's living room. Devon enters the room and he is all bruised up. KRIS: Devon! Are you okay? What in the hell happened? DEVON: Andoix. KRIS: Is he? DEVON: He isn't dead. He is a correctional clinic for villains. KRIS: I see. KRIS: You fought him for me? DEVON: Yes. Kris kisses Devon. Devon surprised and Kris is happy. DEVON: What was that for? KRIS: You didn't like it? DEVON: Oh yes I did like it. KRIS: Good, so don't ask. Devon and Kris kissing again.




Isis is feeling better but the rangers notice something strange about her.
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