ABOUT: Isis goes back to her position as the creator of the universe.
Portentous' hand cracking a bit and bleeding dark purple blood. Keiken Blue floating in the air to Portentous. BLUE: Portentous, I created you long before I was Isis, but you hurt my friends and betrayed me by trying to take my place. Portentous' eye shows a galaxy. A black tear rolls down his face. Portentous blows up in front of Keiken Omni, we see the back of Keiken Omni. Keiken Omni stands proud as it defeated Portentous. Keiken Blue up in the air glowing blue repairing the twisted world.
Coribun, Kiro, Candace, Devon and Paige standing in a row looking above at Isis in a new outfit, floating in the air very fairy like. ISIS: The threat against the known order is over. I must return to my place as the neutrality but before I do so I want to thank you all. CANDACE: Return? You can't stay? ISIS: I am afraid not. I did enjoy my time as a human, thank you.
Meanwhile at a Jewelry Store, Morris and Kris in the Jewelry Store with a woman clerk showing a ring. KRIS: It's a good price. WOMAN: Designed by Joel Perry. MORRIS: Hmm…it just isn't 'the one'. KRIS: Looking for one that screams 'Candace'? MORRIS: Something like that. KRIS: Well nothing really 'is' Candace's style. Morris looks straight at a beautiful diamond ring. MORRIS: Hold up, what about this one?
Back in the Twisted World. Isis makes the others float. CORIBUN: Floating is cool. PAIGE: Where are we going? ISIS: I need to repair some other things. KIRO: You have a quite a bunch of them. DEVON: How will you get there? CANDACE: Flying? ISIS: Trust me, this will be quick. Isis and the others following her head out flying, a big blue sky appears behind them. ISIS: First, the Shuudan Headquarters in Juno.
The demolished Shuudan Headquarters is restored to a better-looking place. Isis and the others floating above the headquarters. ISIS: Even though the Keiken aren't with the Shuudan, they still need a place. As long as there is evil in the universe. CANDACE: I thought Portentous was the evil. ISIS: He was a representation. The Nine Elders restored in their chamber. We see out heroes soaring outside through the window. ISIS: The head eldes and her colleagues are restored to where they were before. Isis turns her body and head in front of the others who are still flying forward, they are facing Isis. ISIS: Since the Shuudan and Yóri mo Takái are connected, their presence will be restored but since I can alter reality, they are now tame. Not a threat.
Back to where the Loft was, Isis is floating in the air straight up and the others standing on the street. ISIS: I will also restore the Loft. The Loft is restored. ISIS: You guys mean so much to me. You each affected me significantly. All this was to learn how to be free and humans are the freest creation I've ever made. Isis talks to Coribun. ISIS: Coribun, you are brave and have a strict regimen in fighting skills. Don't worry about Mary. Things change and sometimes for the better. CORIBUN: What do you mean? ISIS: (smile) You'll see. Isis goes in front of Devon. ISIS: Devon, you have a great heart and you are highly sensitive. You showed me that to be yourself is most important. Isis and Kiro. ISIS: Kiro, you have gone from depression of a broken heart to realization of your true nature, to be caring. KIRO: You help me seeing that by needing me such much. ISIS: Life is a test Kiro, live it. KIRO: A test for what? ISIS: A test for you to discover and know yourself. Isis and Paige ISIS: Paige, you risk everything to the mother of a former psycho killer. You have been through emotional roller coasters, I've learn from you is to go with your gut feeling. ISIS: But I'm sorry. PAIGE: Sorry for what? Isis and Candace ISIS: Candace, you have proven to be a great leader and friend. CANDACE: I tried my hardest. ISIS: and best. CANDACE: That's means a lot to me. I know finally can accept my brother's death and be happy being part of this team. Isis hands Candace her glorifier. ISIS: This might come in handy if you ever want a complete team again. Isis leaves them. ISIS: Good luck with everything. ALL: Bye! We'll miss you. Isis flies up in air in a blue glow leaving sparkles around the others. ISIS: Take care. Remember that there is no telling what you are capable of. Isis up in space looking at Earth. ISIS: I'll miss you too. Kiro turns to Candace. KIRO: Are we going to continue as the Keiken? CANDACE: Yeah. Even though we were the creator's protectors doesn't mean we can't keep defending the innocent. Paige turns to Candace PAIGE: What do you think Isis meant by 'But I'm sorry'. CANDACE: I really have no idea. Devon all quiet and Coribun thinks he knows. CORIBUN: You know something about it? DEVON: Uh… Paige grabbing Devon by his shirt. PAIGE: Devon! Spill it.
Paige slams open the guest room door where Balthazar is at Candace's Parent's house. PAIGE: Why didn't you tell me?
Paige deals with the fact that Balthazar will die and Morris has a surprise
for Candace.