Mental Illiness in Tokyo

ABOUT: A mental illness goes through humanity that embodies itself and becomes a huge threat. The movie picks up a couple a months after the 100th episode.

Main Characters
Kiro Kaisen Keiken Black
Candace Regan-Sinclair Keiken Red
Paige Malone Keiken Pink
Coribun Fukumachi Keiken Yellow
Devon Yefremov Keiken Green

Shindou Blasters - your basic laser weapon
Glorifier -device that puts uniforms on them and enables the team members to call their mechas.
Flaring Roadster - The ranger's personal sports car.
Keiken Dart - little darts on the wrist
Glory Speeders - six color-coded motorcycles.
Glow-in-the-Dark and Light up Gear - gear used for the dark. Comes with the Strife Driver.

Keiken Mecha
Keiken Omni
new mecha created to defeat Reflector and Portentous.

Morris Sinclair
is a commercial pilot and Candace's husband.

Kris Landon
works as the secretary at the Loft, he is former teammate of Kiro and Candace and he is Devon's boyfriend. He likes to make jokes.

Doctor Yamoto Tzuamuni
is Moruku's concerned psychiatrist. He looks like Dr. Eikichi Kubota from Megaranger.

The Loft
is the Earth hideout for the rangers. They stay in a two-bedroom penthouse. It even has a garage for the Flaring Roadster.

Kaneshiro Power and Light Electricity Building
is the Tokyo electric company Moruku owns.

Moruku Kaneshiro
is a clinically depressed man who becomes a mental demon. He is in charge of an electric company, he is in charge of all the electricity in Tokyo.

Moruku's grunts

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