ABOUT: Keiken Rangers finally go up against Portentous.
Keiken Omni on the floor burning in smoke. Keiken Black starts glowing. BLACK: Heart and Soul, Thunder and Rain. Portentous spits a big ugly wad of spit on Keiken Omni. Keiken Pink starts glowing. PINK: Maternity and Trust, Defense and Squeeze. The spit burns on Keiken Omni. Keiken Yellow starts glowing. YELLOW: Strength and Justice. Ground and Snow. Portentous kicks Keiken Omni and it is tossed away. Keiken Green starts glowing. GREEN: Wonder and Mystery, Bombs and Light.
Portentous throws dark sticky webs all around. PORTENTOUS: If I cannot be the creator of universe then I will be its destroyer. Keiken Red starts glowing. RED: Togetherness and Humanity, Sound and Fire. Keiken Omni gets up; all energized and moves the sticky web around. Keiken Blue starts glowing. BLUE: That's enough Portentous. No messing with me. Keikenrangers in the cockpit all-glowing. ALL: Full Power! Evil is done for. Sparkly energy all around the Keiken Omni does an awesome attack. KEIKENRANGERS: Deluxe Supreme Glory Overload! Portentous focuses dark energy towards the Keiken Omni. Portentous and Keiken Omni face off with their energy balls in hand. Portentous breaking up a bit, his skull showing. Portentous' laser blast hits Keiken Omni but the mecha is not harmed.
Meanwhile at Candace's Parent's house, Balthazar is with Paige's mom playing a board game. PAIGE'S MOM: I like this, playing board games with you. BALTHAZAR: I do as well, grandmother. BALTHAZAR: I'll be right back grandmom. I have to get a pen. Balthazar goes to the guest room where Kris is. Balthazar looks in a drawer of a desk for his pen. BALTHAZAR: Hey Kris. KRIS: Balthazar, you have to told them? BALTHAZAR: Tell whom what? KRIS: Paige and her mother, tell them you are sentenced to die. Balthazar is now serious, looks at Kris. BALTHAZAR: No. KRIS: But Balthazar… BALTHAZAR: I don't know how you know about that but there is no way I am going to tell my mother and grandmother. It will break their hearts. KRIS: But it would break their hearts if you don't. Balthazar shakes his head a bit, he is sort of uncertain of his future. BALTHAZAR: But I won't. Kris sighs as Balthazar left the room and Morris enters. MORRIS: (About Balthazar) What's his problem? KRIS: (sigh) Lots of things. MORRIS: Anyway, I have something important to speak to you about. KRIS: What is it? MORRIS: I want you to come with my shopping for something for Candace. KRIS: Okay, sure.
Elsewhere the Shuudan sent the GoGoV pick up the mess let over by the Avalons on Earth.
Back in the twisted world. Keiken Omni beating up Portentous. The twisted world starts breaking apart with many cracks. Keiken Omni having a hold on Portentous and a bright light pulls within Portentous and shines upon Keiken Omni. Portentous cracking apart. PORTENTOUS: No way you will defeat me. The twisted world crumbling. The Keikenrangers in the cockpit. Keiken Blue behind them. BLUE: You want everything your way, when it needs to be balanced. Keiken Omni holding Portentous, whose skin is pealing, showing his skull. PORTENTOUS: What a hypocrite, you are fighting on the side of good. BLUE: But I'm fighting for my friends. Keiken Blue teleports out in a blue light out of the Keiken Omni as it continues fighting Portentous. Portentous' skull showing, his body is bleeding and cracking. PORTENTOUS: No! Keiken Omni's white light is breaking Portentous apart. PORTENTOUS: Am I a failure? Isis in a blue glow in black background. ISIS: No. I am very proud, son.
Isis goes back to her position as the creator of the universe.